Ohio Bar Examination February 2024 (Character and Fitness Approval/Disapproval)

As the Ohio Bar Examination approaches, there are scores of law school graduates, anxiously awaiting a letter from the Ohio Supreme Court’s Office of Bar Admissions, advising each, whether their character and fitness has been approved by the Board of Commissioners on Character and Fitness.
For most, this is not a worry, as applications without incident or issue are flagged on through. On the other side, there are those of you that may be concerned about your approval and whether you will be able to take the February 2024 Bar Examination. The Board of Commissioners on Character and Fitness meets in the first weeks of February (and July) to go over each application prior to admitting to the Ohio Bar Examination.
If your application is flagged, or disapproved, you will receive a letter from the Ohio Supreme Court Office of Bar Admissions indicated that your application was not approved and that the Board would like to hold a hearing on your character and fitness.
In any matter involving your character and fitness, the burden is on the applicant to show by the “clear and convincing” evidentiary standard that he/she has the current character and fitness which is required by the Rules for Government of the Bar and the Ohio Supreme Court.
The character and fitness denial can be devastating, but with the right assistance and support, you can put forth the best possible application. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office as we engage in the Ohio Character and Fitness Process for law students throughout Ohio.