Miller Becker Seminar 2022 (Success)

The 2022 annual Miller Becker Seminar was a great success. This year the presentation was styled as a “Play” engaging in a role play of the disciplinary process through “Acts”.
Act I – Investigation and Charging of the Grievance
Act II – Counseling the Respondent
Act III – Scene One and Two – Panel Hearing
Act IV – Panel Deliberation
The facts followed a real Ohio Disciplinary Matter and as a participate, we were able to glean insight into the thoughts and methods of the Disciplinary Authorities from “start to finish”.
Getting a grievance, or Letter of Inquiry from a charging authority in the State of Ohio is a serious matter and should be handled appropriately Should you receive such correspondence, it is highly recommended (by those prosecuting to grievance) to obtain counsel versed in the area of Ohio Ethics and Professional Responsibility.