Take a Listen… Richard Koblentz and Judge Patton, a history in the Cleveland Legal Profession
The legal world is built on the dedication, ethics, and expertise of professionals who devote...
Congratulations to Richard and Nicholas
Congratulations to Richard Koblentz and Nicholas Froning for being included in this year's Super Lawyers...
The CMBA’s 17th Annual Meeting
The entire Koblentz, Penvose & Froning team is thankful for the work that was put...
Ohio Marijuana Law and the Legal Profession
Partner, Nicholas Froning was asked to present to the University of Akron School of Law...
FREE CLE ALERT! – 2023 Annual KPF – Ethics and Professional Responsibility Seminar
Join Koblentz, Penvose & Froning, LLC for it's annual 2.5 Hour Professional Responsibility CLE, offered...
2023 Ohio Attorney CLE Requirements
As the first quarter of 2023 comes to an end, it is time to start...