The CMBA’s 17th Annual Meeting
The entire Koblentz, Penvose & Froning team is thankful for the work that was put in to the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s 17th annual meeting. The event was well done and a great celebration of the law community in Cleveland. It is truly inspiring to see the profession come together to recognize the wonderful work done by so many. Thank you to all the outgoing CMBA officers and directors including the Honorable John J. Russo for everything the CMBA has accomplished.
Congratulations to all the incoming officers and directors. We look forward to everything to come in the next year. A few other special congratualtions are due.
Congratulations to to the Matthew D. Besser for his installation as President of the CMBA!
Congratulations to Stephen D. Richman for his well deserved Justice for All Volunteer of the Year Award!
Congratulate to our managing partner, Richard S. Koblentz as the recipient of the CMBA’s Hon. William K. Thomas Professionalism Award!
“I was humbled by the recognition and extremely grateful for all of the good words and good wishes directed toward me by my colleagues of a profession I care so much about. As I had the privilege to not only know of but practice law before the Honorable William K. Thomas, receiving this award is especially gratifying.â€
Richard Koblentz